File access rights
- UNIX is a multi-user system. Every file and directory in your account can
be protected from or made accessible to other
users by changing its access permissions. Every user has responsibility
for controlling access to their files to:
- Preventing unauthorized
- Preventing accidental damage - Based on relationship between processes and files:
- every process is owned by someone and belongs to some group
- every file is owned by someone and belongs to some group
Applying Access rights
- When you login your shell, it owned by you and is stamped with your UID and GID (User ID and Group ID)
- Almost every command you run and every file you create is stamped with your UID and GID
- Standard unix model for access control is based on relationship between processes and files
- Permissions for a file may be any or all of:
r - read w - write x - execute = running a program s - setID change the UID or GID or process
- Permissions for a directory may be any or all of:
r - read w - write x - search directory(cd) s - sticky - finer control over write access to directories
- Each permission (rwx) can be controlled at three levels:
u - user = yourself g - group = can be people in the same project o - other = everyone on the system
- File access permissions are displayed using the ls -l command.
The output from the ls -l command shows all permissions for all
levels as three groups of three according to the scheme:
Example outputs from the ls -l command:
-rw------- 2 smith staff 3287 Apr 8 12:10 file1 - User has read and write permission. Group and others have no permissions.
type user group others d rwx rwx rwx - rwx rwx rwx
- Note: a directory must have both r and x permissions if the files it contains are to be accessed.
Setting Permissions
- The chmod command is used to change access permissions for files which you own.
- Only owner or super user may change permissions
- The syntax is:
chmod [-R] [permission-mode] filename [who][action][permissions]
- The -R option enables recursion through a directory structure.
- Also:
who action permissions u = user + = add r = read g = group - = remove w = write o = other x = execute a = all
Now lets see some examples.
chmod a+r sample.f- Adds read permission for all users to the file sample.f. a stands for all, + stands for add and r for read.
chmod o-r sample.f- Removes read permission for others to the file sample.f.
chmod og+rx prog*- Adds read and execute permissions for group and others to all files which contain "prog" as the first four characters of their name.
chmod +w *- Adds write permission for user to all files in current directory.
Numeric notation
File access permissions can also be changed by a numerical (octal) chmod specification. Read permission is given the value 4, write permission the value 2 and execute permission 1.r w x 4 2 1These values are added together for any one user category:
0 = no permissions 1 = execute only 2 = write only 3 = write and execute (1+2) 4 = read only 5 = read and execute (4+1) 6 = read and write (4+2) 7 = read and write and execute (4+2+1)So access permissions can be expressed as three digits. For example:
user group others chmod 640 file1 rw- r-- --- chmod 754 file1 rwx r-x r-- chmod 664 file1 rw- rw- r--So chmod 640 means, 6 for users, 4 for group and 0 for others.
Read only file:
chmod 400 file.txt
Changes file.txt to read only.
Never set write permission for all other users on a file or directory which is in your home directory. If you do other users will be able to change its content. This can represent a serious security risk.
Default Permissions using unmask
The umask command is used to set your default file permissions.Typically, the umask command is included as part of your .profile, .cshrc or .login file.
It defaults to files and directories created by process
Not applied when files/directories are copied
The umask command accepts only octal specifications. Note that these are different than those used by the chmod command, and in fact, represent which permissions to "mask out", or remove.
Octal number Access permissions given 0 rwx read, write and execute 1 rw- read and write 2 r-x read and execute 3 r-- read only 4 -wx write and execute 5 -w- write only 6 --x execute only 7 --- no permissionsExample umask commands:
umask 077- Subtracts 077 from the system defaults for files (666) and directories (777). Results in default access permissions for your files of 600 (rw-------) and for directories of 700 (rwx------).
umask 002- Subtracts 002 from the sytem defaults to give a default access permission for your files of 664 (rw-rw-r--) and for your directories of 775 (rwxrwxr-x).
umask 022- Subtracts 022 from the system defaults to give a default access permission for your files of 644 (rw-r--r--) and for your directories of 755 (rwxr-xr-x).
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