- Use the rm command to delete a file. List your directory after
the command completes.
rm new.config ls
- cd to another subdirectory say, subdir2. List the
directory to view its contents. Then use the "*" wildcard to remove
all of the files. NOTE: using rm in this manner can be
dangerous! If you are in the wrong directory, you'll remove files you
didn't mean to remove. You may want to use the -i option to
protect yourself from accidents.
cd subdir2 ls rm -i * ls
- Get out of the subdir2 subdirectory by using the command
cd .. Now try to use rm to remove a directory.
What happens?
cd .. rm subdir3
- This time, include the -r option when you try to remove a
directory. For example, try removing some subdirectory subdir3.
What happens?
rm -r subdir3 ls
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