Write a method which finds the maximum of two numbers You should not use if-else or any other comparison operator
Input: 5, 10
Output: 10
Method 1 - Using arithematic operatorLet a is greater than b, and M is the mid point, then:
max = (a + b) / 2 + |a - b| / 2
Method 2 - Using most significant bit
Let’s try to solve this by “re-wording” the problem We will re-word the problem until we get something that has removed all if statements
Rewording 1: If a > b, return a; else, return b
Rewording 2: If (a – b) is negative, return b; else, return a
Rewording 3: If (a – b) is negative, let k = 1; else, let k = 0. Return a – k * (a – b)
Rewording 4: Let c = a – b. Let k = the most significant bit of c. Return a – k * c
We have now reworded the problem into something that fits the requirements for this is below:
int getMax(int a, int b) { int c = a - b; int k = (c >> 31) & 0x1; int max = a - k * c; return max; }
What is the significance of :
int k = (c >> 31) & 0x1;
It tells us the sign of the c i.e. a-b. So, we do following
max = a - k *(a-b)
int max = a - k * c;
If a < b
, then k == 1
and k * c = c = a - b
, and soa - k * c = a - (a - b) = a - a + b = b
Which is the correct max, since a < b
.Otherwise, if
a >= b
, then k == 0
anda - k * c = a - 0 = a
In virtually all modern computers, numbers are stored in a format called two's complement in which the highest bit of the number is 0 if the number is positive and 1 if the number is negative. Moreover, most ints are 32 bits.
(c >> 31)
shifts the number down 31 bits, leaving the highest bit of the number
in the spot for the lowest bit.The next step of taking this number and ANDing it with 1 (whose binary representation is 0 everywhere except the last bit) erases all the higher bits and just gives you the lowest bit. Since the lowest bit of
c >> 31
is the highest bit of c
, this reads the highest bit of c
as either 0 or 1. Since the highest bit is 1 iff c
is 1, this is a way of checking whether c
is negative (1) or positive (0). Combining this reasoning with the above, k
is 1 if a < b
and is 0 otherwise.What if want min of 2 numbers without comparison operator?
Answer to this is again similar to above.
Using method 1, we will have
min = (a+b)/2 - |a-b|/2
Similarly using method 2, gives us:
c = a - b; k = (c >> 31) & 0x1; max = b+ k*c
What if want to find the min of 3 numbers without using comparison operator?
Answer is simple,min(a,b,c) = min(a,min(b,c))Similarly for max.
Please let me know if you have other suggestions.
- http://tianrunhe.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/find-the-maximum-of-two-numbers-without-use-of-comparison-operators-or-if-else/
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4772780/find-the-maximum-of-two-numbers-without-using-if-else-or-any-other-comparison-op
- http://souvikpal.wordpress.com/2013/02/10/findmax-without-if-else/
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