Merge sort looks like a best choice for sorting the linked list.At a first appearance, merge sort may be a
good selection since the middle element is required to subdivide the
given list into 2 halves, but we can easily solve this problem by moving
the nodes alternatively to 2 lists.
We have discussed the sorting options for linked list here. Here we will discuss about bubble sort
Pseudocode for bubble sort:
We have discussed the sorting options for linked list here. Here we will discuss about bubble sort
Pseudocode for bubble sort:
public void sortList() { if (isEmpty()) { System.out.println("An empty list is already sorted"); } else if (getHead().getNext() == null) { System.out.println("A one-element list is already sorted"); } else { Node current = getHead(); boolean swapDone = true; while (swapDone) { swapDone = false; while (current != null) { if (current.getNext() != null && current.getData().getSurname().compareTo(current.getNext().getData().getSurname()) >0) { CustomerFile tempDat = current.getData(); current.setData(current.getNext().getData()); current.getNext().setData(tempDat); swapDone = true; } current = current.getNext(); } current = getHead(); } } }
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