Question: implement the bisection method to find a function's local maximum.
Solution: bisection is one of the root-finding methods that are used to find real roots of a continuous function. More information about the method and mathematical analysis can be found here. For this question, we'll modify the bisection method to find the local maximum of a function instead of its roots.
The maximum of a function is a point where the value of the function is max. Thus, the local maximum is the maximum of a specified interval of the function. It is local because outside of the specified interval, we can't prove that it is the maximum of the function. Here is the code in C:
double bisect(double x_lower, double x_upper, double epsilon, double (*dx)(double), int maxIteration) { double result = 0.0; //the root double f_result = 0.0; //value of f(x) int iteration = 0; while (fabs(x_upper - x_lower) > epsilon && iteration < maxIteration) { iteration++; //compute the new root result = (x_upper + x_lower) / 2; //derivative of the new root f_result = dx(result); //see if derivative has changed sign if (dx(x_lower) * f_result < 0) x_upper = result; else if (dx(x_upper) * f_result < 0) x_lower = result; else { return result; } } printf("No root found, returning -1 ! \n"); return -1; }
Explanation: our function accepts five arguments and return the maximum if it finds one.
- The first two arguments, x_lower and x_upper, are the lower and upper bound of the interval whose maximum is our interest.
- The third argument, epsilon is the accuracy or the acceptable range of error that the answer must meet. Why do we have this? Because in real life, it is extremely difficult to find the exact solution. Some reasons include the limit on computer's ability to store floating point numbers and round off error. Moreover, most real world applications only need the answer to be precise enough instead of being exact. That's why we accept the concept of tolerable error. To keep the error to minimum, I suggest passing in machine epsilon as the acceptable error. Machine epsilon is the smallest difference between two numbers that the computer, on which the program is run, can produce. Thus, if the error is less than machine epsilon, then the answer is the most precise that particular computer can produce.
- The fourth argument, *dx, is the pointer to the function's first derivative.
- the last argument, maxIteration, is the max number of times that we want our program to run. If the bisection method doesn't converge (it does in some cases), then our program will run forever. The maxIteration is there to prevent that case. After a certain number of calculations and the method has not returned the result, we better find another way to solve the problem right?
The basis to find the local maximum is that the derivative of lower and upper bounds have opposite signs (positive vs. negative). Furthermore, after passing through the maximum the derivative changes sign. Therefore, we can run the function until the derivative changes sign. It means that when neither dx(x_upper) * dx(x) < 0 nor dx(x_lower) * dx(x) < 0, then x is the value in interval (x_lower, x_upper) where f(x) is max.
Mathematically, the local maximum is the point where the derivative is 0 (dx = 0). Think about slope of a graph. However, since we are dealing with computer and floating point numbers, it's not a good idea to use equality comparison as the way to find maximum. That's why we exploit the fact that the derivative changes sign after passing through the maximum.
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