Thursday, January 5, 2012

AVL Trees : Inserting a new Item

Initially, a new item is inserted just as in a binary search tree. Note that the item always goes into a new leaf. The tree is then readjusted as needed in order to maintain it as an AVL tree. There are three main cases to consider when inserting a new node.

Case 1: New Node added to (BF = 0)  Node

A node with balance factor 0 changes to +1 or -1 when a new node is inserted below it. No change is needed at this node. Consider the following example. Note that after an insertion one only needs to check the balances along the path from the new leaf to the root.

                                /        \

                             +1            0
                             20            50

                               \         /     \

                                0       0        0
                                30     45       70

After inserting 60 we get:

                                /        \

                             +1            +1
                             20            50

                               \         /     \

                                0       0       -1
                                30     45       70

Case 2: Node added to right of BF=-1 node or left of BF=+1 Node

A node with balance factor -1 changes to 0 when a new node is inserted in its right subtree. (Similarly for +1 changing to 0 when inserting in the left subtree.) No change is needed at this node. Consider the following example.

                                /        \

                             +1            0
                             20            50

                           /   \         /     \

                          0     0       0        0
                         10     30     45       70
                               /  \
                              0    0
                             22    32
After inserting 60 we get:
0 <-- the -1 changed to a 0 (case 2)

                                /        \

                             +1            +1 <-- an example of case 1
                             20            50

                           /   \         /     \

                          0     0       0       -1 <-- an example of case 1
                         10     30     45       70
                               /  \            /
                              0    0          0
                             22    32         60

Case 3:

A node with balance factor -1 changes to -2 when a new node is inserted in its left subtree. (Similarly for +1 changing to +2 when inserting in the right subtree.) Change is needed at this node. The tree is restored to an AVL tree by using a rotation.

Subcase A:

This consists of the following situation, where P denotes the parent of the subtree being examined, LC is P's left child, and X is the new node added. Note that inserting X makes P have a balance factor of -2 and LC have a balance factor of -1. The -2 must be fixed. This is accomplished by doing a right rotation at P. Note that rotations do not mess up the order of the nodes given in an inorder traversal. This is very important since it means that we still have a legitimate binary search tree. (Note, too, that the mirror image situation is also included under subcase A.)
                             (rest of tree)

                                /        \

                             -1           sub
                             LC           tree   
                           /   \         height
                        sub     sub
                        tree    tree      
                         of      of
                       height  height
                          n       n

The fix is to use a single right rotation at node P. (In the mirror image case a single left rotation is used at P.) This gives the following picture.
                              (rest of tree)

                                /        \

                             sub           P
                              of         /    \ 
                              n       sub     sub  
                             /        tree    tree
                            X          of      of
                                     height  height
                                        n       n
Putting it diagramatically:

 Algo : Single Right Rotation OR RR rotation
(L.w. - shedding load from left to RIGHT) ( p = k2)
temp = p->left;
p->left = temp->right;
temp->right = p;
p = temp;

Consider the following more detailed example that illustrates subcase A.

                                /        \

                             -1            -1
                             30            100

                           /   \         /

                          0     0       0
                         15     40     90 
                        /  \       
                       0    0      
                      10    20     
We then insert 5 and then check the balance factors from the new leaf up toward the root. (Always check from the bottom up.)

                                /        \

                             -2            -1
                             30            100

                           /   \         /

                         -1     0       0
                         15     40     90 
                        /  \       
                      -1    0      
                      10    20     
This reveals a balance factor of -2 at node 30 that must be fixed. (Since we work bottom up, we reach the -2 at 30 first. The other -2 problem will go away once we fix the problem at 30.) The fix is accomplished with a right rotation at node 30, leading to the following picture.

                                /        \

                              0            -1
                             15            100

                           /   \         /

                         -1     0       0
                         10     30     90 
                        /      /  \
                       0      0    0
                       5     20    40
Recall that the mirror image situation is also included under subcase A. The following is a general illustration of this situation. The fix is to use a single left rotation at P. See if you can draw a picture of the following after the left rotation at P. Then draw a picture of a particular example that fits our general picture below and fix it with a left rotation.
                             (rest of tree)

                                /        \

                              sub         +1
                             tree         RC
                            height      /    \
                                      sub     sub
                                      tree    tree      
                                       of      of
                                     height   height
                                        n       n

Subcase B:

This consists of the following situation, where P denotes the parent of the subtree being examined, LC is P's left child, NP is the node that will be the new parent, and X is the new node added. X might be added to either of the subtrees of height n-1. Note that inserting X makes P have a balance factor of -2 and LC have a balance factor of +1. The -2 must be fixed. This is accomplished by doing a double rotation at P (explained below). (Note that the mirror image situation is also included under subcase B.)
                             (rest of tree)

                                /        \

                             +1           sub
                             LC           tree   
                           /    \         height
                       sub       -1
                       tree      NP
                        of      /  \
                      height   sub  sub
                        n     tree  tree
                               n-1   n-1

 So tree acquires this shape:

The fix is to use a double right rotation at node P. A double right rotation at P consists of a single left rotation at LC followed by a single right rotation at P. (In the mirror image case a double left rotation is used at P. This consists of a single right rotation at the right child RC followed by a single left rotation at P.) In the above picture, the double rotation gives the following (where we first show the result of the left rotation at LC, then a new picture for the result of the right rotation at P).
                                (rest of tree)

                                /        \

                             -2           sub
                             NP           tree   
                           /    \         height
                        0        sub
                       LC        tree
                     /    \       n-1
                   sub    sub
                  tree    tree
                   of      n-1   
                 height    /
                   n      X
Finally we have the following picture after doing the right rotation at P.
                            (rest of tree)

                                /        \

                              0            +1 
                             LC             P
                           /    \         /    \
                        sub     sub      sub   sub
                       tree     tree    tree   tree
                        of       n-1     n-1    of
                      height     /            height
                        n       X                n
Consider the following concrete example of subcase B.

                                /        \

                              0             0
                             30            100

                           /   \         /     \

                         -1     0       0       0
                         20     50     90      120
                        /      /  \
                       0      0    0 
                      10     40    60
After inserting 55, we get a problem, a balance factor of -2 at the root node, as seen below.

                                /        \

                             +1             0
                             30            100

                           /   \         /     \

                         -1     +1      0       0
                         20     50     90      120
                        /      /  \
                       0      0    -1
                      10     40    60
As discussed above, this calls for a double rotation. First we do a single left rotation at 30. This gives the following picture.

                                /        \

                             -1             0
                             50            100

                           /   \         /     \

                        -1      -1      0       0
                        30      60     90      120
                       /  \    /
                      -1   0  0 
                      20  40  55 
Finally, the right rotation at 80 restores the binary search tree to be an AVL tree. The resulting picture is shown below.

                                /        \

                             -1             0
                             30            80 

                           /   \         /     \

                         -1     0      -1       0
                         20     40     60      100
                        /             /       /   \
                       0             0       0     0
                      10             55      90   120


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