This updated information has been further expanded upon on my new website. You can find the updated details here:
Given a Binary Tree and a positive integer k, print all nodes that are distance k from a leaf node.Here the meaning of distance is different from previous post. Here k distance from a leaf means k levels higher than a leaf node. For example if k is more than height of Binary Tree, then nothing should be printed. Expected time complexity is O(n) where n is the number nodes in the given Binary Tree.
(Please ignore the empty node, and consider it null)
k = 1, Answer = 2, 19 , 21
k = 2, Answer = 5, 18 , 19
The idea is to traverse the tree. Keep storing all ancestors till we hit a leaf node. When we reach a leaf node, we print the ancestor at distance k. We also need to keep track of nodes that are already printed as output. For that we use a boolean array visited[].// This function prints all nodes that are distance k from a leaf node // path[] - Store ancestors of a node // visited[] - Stores true if a node is printed as output. A node may be k // distance away from many leaves, we want to print it once void kDistantFromLeafUtil(Node node, int path[], bool visited[], int pathLen, int k) { // Base case if (node==null) return; // append this Node to the path array path[pathLen] =; visited[pathLen] = false; pathLen++; // it's a leaf, so print the ancestor at distance k only // if the ancestor is not already printed if (node.left == null && node.right == null && pathLen-k-1 >= 0 && visited[pathLen-k-1] == false) { System.out.print(path[pathLen-k-1] + " "); visited[pathLen-k-1] = true; return; } // If not leaf node, recur for left and right subtrees kDistantFromLeafUtil(node.left, path, visited, pathLen, k); kDistantFromLeafUtil(node.right, path, visited, pathLen, k); } // Given a binary tree and a nuber k, print all nodes that are k // distant from a leaf void printKDistantfromLeaf(Node node, int k) { int[] path = new int[MAX_HEIGHT]; boolean[] visited = new boolean[MAX_HEIGHT]; //all the elements false in visited Arrays.fill(visited, false); kDistantFromLeafUtil(node, path, visited, 0, k); }
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