Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Can two threads call a synchronized method and normal method at the same time?

You are given a class with synchronized method A, and a normal method C. If you have two threads in one instance of a program, can they call A at the same time? Can they call A and C at the same time?
Java provides two ways to achieve synchronization: synchronized method and synchronized statement.

  • Synchronized method: Methods of a class which need to be synchronized are declared with “synchronized” keyword. If one thread is executing a synchronized method, all other threads which want to execute any of the synchronized methods on the same objects get blocked.

    Syntax: method1 and method2 need to be synchronized
    public class SynchronizedMethod {
        // Variables declaration
        public synchronized T Method1() {
            // Statements
        public synchronized T method2() {
            // Statements
        // Other methods

    T is return type. 
  • Synchronized statement: It provides the synchronization for a group of statements rather than a method as a whole It needs to provide the object on which these synchronized statements will be applied, unlike in a synchronized method

    Syntax: synchronized statements on "this" object
    synchronized(this) {
        // statement 1
        // ...
        // statement N
i) If you have two threads in one instance of a program, can they call A at the same time?
Not possible; read the above paragraph.
ii) Can they call A and C at the same time?
Yes. Only methods of the same object which are declared with the keyword synchronized can't be interleaved



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