There is no diffeence in circular list stack and non circular list stack. The insertion, deletion operation takes place in the same place. So it won't create any modification in the circular list.
Here is the implementation of circular stack in CPP
Program in cpp
Here is the implementation of circular stack in CPP
Program in cpp
#include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; struct node { int info; struct node *next; }; int c=0; struct node *top;int empty() { return((top == NULL)? 1:0); } void print() { int i =0; struct node *temp; cout<<"\n\t\t"; if(c==0) cout<<"\n\t\tNo elements\n"; else { temp = top->next; while(i!=c) { int info = temp->info; cout<<info<<" "; temp=temp->next; i++; } cout<<"END PRINT"; } } void push(int n) { struct node *p; p=new node; if(p!=NULL) { c++; p->info=n; if(empty()) top=p; else p->next=top->next; top->next=p; } else cout<<"Not inserted,No memory available"; } int pop() { c--; struct node *temp; int x; temp=top->next; x=temp->info; if(temp==top) top=NULL; else top->next=temp->next; free(temp); return(x); } int main() { int s,n; cout<<"\n\t\tCIRCULAR STACK IMPLEMENTATION\n"; while(1) { cout<<"\n\t\t1>Push\n"; cout<<"\t\t2>Pop\n"; cout<<"\t\t3>Print\n"; cout<<"\t\t4>Exit\n"; cout<<"\t\tEnter your choice:"; cin>>s; switch(s) { case 1: cout<<"\n\t\tEnter the number:"; cin>>n; push(n); break; case 2: if(empty()) { cout<<"\n\t\tStack underflow\n"; } else { n=pop(); cout<<"\n\t\tThe pop value is:"<<n; } break; case 3: print(); break; case 4: exit(1); break; } } }Let us know your feedback.
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