Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Anagram program implentation

using namespace std;

#include "anaword.h"

static const int ALPH_SIZE = 26;

Anaword::Anaword(const string & word)
    : myWord(word),
// postcondition: constructed    

    : myWord(""),

void Anaword::normalize()
// postcondition: myCounts represents the letter signture of myWord

string Anaword::toString() const
// postcondition: return "bagel" or "gable", regular form of string
    return myWord;

ostream & operator << (ostream & out, const Anaword & a)
// postcondition: a printed t stream out, out returned    
    out << a.toString();
    return out;

bool Anaword::equal(const Anaword & rhs) const
// postcondition: returns true if and only if *this == rhs
//                canonical/normalized form of word used for comparisons    
    return false;

bool operator == (const Anaword & lhs, const Anaword & rhs)
// postcondition: returns true if and only if lhs == rhs
    return lhs.equal(rhs);

bool operator != (const Anaword & lhs, const Anaword & rhs)
// postcondition: returns true if and only if lhs != rhs
    return ! lhs.equal(rhs);

bool Anaword::less(const Anaword & rhs) const
// postcondition: returns true if and only if *this < rhs
//                canonical/normalized form of word used for comparison    
    return false;

bool operator <  (const Anaword & lhs,const Anaword & rhs)
// postcondition: returns true if and only if *this < rhs    
    return lhs.less(rhs);

bool operator <=  (const Anaword & lhs,const Anaword & rhs)
// postcondition: returns true if and only if *this <= rhs
    return ! rhs.less(lhs);


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