Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Implement a Queue using two stacks

Implement a Queue using two stacks.

Logic : 
  • We'll implement a FIFO queue using two stacks.Lets call the stacks Instack and Outstack. 
  • An element is inserted in the queue by pushing it into the Instack. 
  • An element is extracted from the queue by popping it from the Outstack. 
  • If the Outstack is empty then all elements currently in Instack are transferred to Outstack but in the reverse order.


  1. Enqueue 3, 4, 
  2. Dequeue 
  3. Enqueue 5, 6
  4. Dequeue
  5. Dequeue
At step 1, InStack={4, 3} , OutStack = {}. Top in stack points to 4.
At step 2, InStack={} , OutStack{3,4}, note that order is reversed. Top points to 3. Now, we pop the item, hence we pop out 3. OutStack={4}
At Step 3, InStack={6, 5}, OutStack={4}
At Step 4,  InStack={6, 5}, OutStack={}, 4 is popped out of OutStack
At Step 5, again, InStack={}, OutStack={5,6} = OutStack{6} , and 5 is popped out.

Stack interface
public interface Stack {
        void push( Object x );
        Object pop( );
        Object top( );
        boolean isEmpty( );
        void makeEmpty( );

Now we come to actual class that implements a Queue using two stacks.


public class StackQueue {

       ArrayStack inStack = new ArrayStack();
       ArrayStack outStack = new ArrayStack();

       public void enqueue(Object value)
       public Object dequeue()
                       while( ! inStack.isEmpty())
               return outStack.pop();

       public static void main(String[] args)
               stackQueue queue = new stackQueue();
               queue.enqueue(new String("first"));
               queue.enqueue(new String("second"));
               queue.enqueue(new String("third"));
               queue.enqueue(new String("fourth"));
               queue.enqueue(new String("fifth"));
               System.out.println("1. " + queue.dequeue());
               System.out.println("2. " + queue.dequeue());
               System.out.println("3. " + queue.dequeue());
               System.out.println("4. " + queue.dequeue());
               System.out.println("5. " + queue.dequeue());

But can we implement queue, using 1 stack only?
 Answer is yes, We can have 1 primary stack. We can get another temporary stack using call stack of recursion.

Steps remain the same:
  • You need to transfer elements from one stack to another temporary stack, to reverse their order.
  • Then push the new element to be inserted, onto the temporary stack
  • Then transfer the elements back to the original stack
  • The new element will be on the bottom of the stack, and the oldest element is on top (first to be popped)

Here is the code(java):
public class SimulatedQueue<E> {
    private java.util.Stack<E> stack = new java.util.Stack<E>();

    public void insert(E elem) {
        if (!stack.empty()) {
            E topElem = stack.pop();

    public E remove() {
        return stack.pop();



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