Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spatial indexing with Quadtrees and Hilbert Curves

Last Thursday night at Oredev, after the sessions, was "Birds of a Feather" - a sort of mini-unconference. Anyone could write up a topic on the whiteboard; interested individuals added their names, and each group got allocated a room to chat about the topic. I joined the "Spatial Indexing" group, and we spent a fascinating hour and a half talking about spatial indexing methods, reminding me of several interesting algorithms and techniques. Spatial...

Anagram Trees : Part 2

One nice thing about working at Google is that you are surrounded by very smart people. I told one of my coworkers about the anagram tree idea, and he immediately pointed out that reordering the alphabet so that the least frequently used letters come first would reduce the branching factor early in the tree, which has the effect of reducing the overall size of the tree substantially. While this seems obvious in retrospect, it's kind of unintuitive - usually we try to _increase_ the branching factor of n-ary trees to make them shallower...

Anagram Trees

When it comes to finding anagrams of words, a frequent approach is to use an anagram dictionary - simply put, sort the letters in your word to provide a unique key that all anagrams of a word have in common. Another approach is to generate a letter-frequency histogram for each letter in your word. (Both these approaches are more or less equivalent, in fact.) These approaches make the problem of finding exact single-word anagrams for strings...

Secure permutations with block ciphers

It's been too long since I blogged about anything much, and way too long since I posted the first Damn Cool Algorithms post, which I promised would be a series. So here's part 2. To start, I'm assuming you know what a permutation is - basically a shuffling of a sequence of items in a particular order. A permutation of the range 1-10, for example, is {5,2,1,6,8,4,3,9,7,10}. A secure permutation is one in which an attacker, given any subset of the permutation, cannot determine the order of any other elements. A simple example of this would...


I am making my own vocab software. I provided words, meanings, synonyms, search. I feel the project is partially over. So now I thought, why not provide google-like "Did you mean" option in my search. So it all starts with this, I came closer to algorithms again. :) BK-Trees BK-Trees, or Burkhard-Keller Trees are a tree-based data structure engineered for quickly finding near-matches to a string, for example, as used by a spelling checker, or when doing a 'fuzzy' search for a term. The aim is to return, for example, "seek" and "peek" if I...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Why is manhole cover circular?

Reasons for the shape include:A round manhole cover cannot fall through its circular opening, whereas a square manhole cover may fall in if it were inserted diagonally in the hole. (AReuleaux triangle or other curve of constant width would also serve this purpose, but round covers are much easier to manufacture. The existence of a "lip" holding up the lid means that the underlying hole is smaller than the cover, so that other shapes might suffice.) Round tubes are the strongest and most material-efficient shape against the compression...